Promotional Products Generate New Business
Global Advertising Specialty Impressions Study, V. 4
By Larry Basinait
Each day, businesses and employees are hustling to bring in new opportunities to help their businesses grow. Business guru and master of growing the small business Gary Vaynerchuck says the number one way to grow your business is to recognize that we are in a “thank you economy.” Companies can do that by making marketing efforts more personal. One way to do this is to give promotional products to your employees, customers and potential customers.
Here are 3 secrets to using promotional products to help grow your business:
1. Match the audience: Whether your audience is your employees, clients or tradeshow attendees the best way to Make the right impression™ with promotional giveaways is to match the product to the audience. A branded credit card-style hand sanitizer would make a memorable tradeshow giveaway at a healthcare event. Custom printed t-shirts are ideal for the outdoor music festival volunteers.
2. Quality equals exposure: The average promotional item is kept 6.6 months. Quality outerwear such as a high-quality jacket continues to provide residual value over time. The same can be said for drinkware. The Wall Street Journal stated that a branded mug can be seen as often as five times per day by its owner.
It is important to choose the right drinkware with the right imprint method to make sure the idea of quality is connected with the brand.
3. Be creative: Companies can really show off their thoughtfulness and creativity with the right promotional product. The avionic team that travels overseas will see extra value in the customized international electrical adapters.The recliner company gives customized throw blankets with to their distributors and vendors.
It’s important to remember to make your marketing more personal and more specific. Knowing your audience, quality and creativity are game changers in making your brand name and services stick with potential new customers, and are key to make promotional products work for you to help attract a new audience and grow your business.
In addition to matching the product to the audience, it’s also a smart idea to match the product to your business. If the product in some way relates to what you do it’s even more memorable.