Marketing Ideas

Kim’s Promotional Product Pick of the Week: Promotional T-Shirts

So in short, I love this commercial.

How fun is this and what a great idea? Pick up a custom tee shirt for each state you visit. Or better yet, how about each city? Alright, alright. Not trying to get wild and crazy. But I am a fan. Not endorsing the car. I can’t vouch for that one. Although I did have a Civic once that we ran into the ground… But I digress.

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Pinterest for Promotional Product Companies

I use Pinterest both personally and professionally. Personally, it’s a little easier; I mostly pin recipes, home improvement ideas, sometimes workouts. But it’s never anything I personally wrote or created. Instead, I use it a virtual bulletin board. It’s a place where I can save my bookmarks visually for easy and aesthetically appealing access.

Read more about using Pinterest as a brand

Posted by Lee in Marketing Ideas, Top Trending Topics, 1 comment

Promotional Pet Products: Good for Bizarre Holidays too!

Today is a special holiday.  A special holiday if you are a dog, that is.  You didn’t know?  Today, February 23rd, is International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day.  If you’re a dog, chances are, this holiday is the highlight of your year.  (Also, if you’re a dog and you’re reading this blog post, chances are you’re pretty much destined for greatness.)

Read more and see a fun video!

Posted by Lee in Marketing Ideas, Top Trending Topics, 0 comments

The 1990s are Back!

We all know that trends repeat themselves.  Bell-bottoms (aka flared jeans) and scarves that were popular in the 1960s are showing up on the store racks today.  And I’m sure you remember leggings and skinny jeans as something we all wore just as much in the 1980s as today.

But, and this is just my personal prediction, what’s next is a 90s resurrection. Perhaps I’ve been watching too much Portlandia, but I really think it’s inevitable.  I was with some friends over the weekend and we were talking about our favorite 90s products.

Click Here to Read More!

Posted by Lee in Marketing Ideas, 1 comment

Product Pick of the Week: His and Hers Bathrobe

Without fail, every time I put on my bathrobe, I let out a sigh of contentment. The cozy, safe feeling that comes along with settling into a roomy robe has to be universal- male, female, young, old; everyone should have the luxury of owning at least one robe.

Allow me to introduce you to the His and Hers Bathrobe.

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Promotional Photo Albums: Not Just for Paparazzi

Pola Love.
Creative Commons Licensephoto credit: ben▐

Every family seems to have at least one member (voluntarily or possibly involuntarily!) who becomes the designated photographer at all family gatherings. In my family, my sister has become our so-called, “paparazzo,” capturing our memories on camera, no matter how embarrassing/hilarious/unflattering they may be. While we complain about the incessant “clicking” and “whirring” of her fancy camera, we all enjoy reminiscing about past events by displaying her amazing prints in promotional photo albums long after the real-life moments have passed.

Last week, Pinnacle’s wonderful Office Manager, Leighann, shared a post from one of her favorite photography blogs with me. The blog is called, “Clickin Moms,” and, according to its home page, it hosts a community of greater than 8,000 followers. Most of its members (about 65%) are professional photographers, while a smaller percentage are either “aspiring professionals” or “passionate hobbyists.”

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Promotional Products Inspired by HGTV’s Color of the Month – Indigo Edition

As an avid HGTV and promotional products lover, I’ve dedicated a series of blog posts to products inspired by HGTV’s Color of the Month. September’s color is indigo, which is a cooler tone that works well with the transitional weather and changing season. Indigo’s calming effect will keep recipients in check as schedules start to get busy again after a slower, more relaxing summer. Thus, it’s the perfect hue for planners, desk organizers, and computer accessories.

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Combat Decision Fatigue by Consulting Promotional Products Experts

Decisions Decisions
Creative Commons Licensephoto credit: Andrew Stawarz

An article featured in the New York Times this week, “Do You Suffer From Decision Fatigue?,” discusses decision fatigue, which is an increasingly common phenomenon facing today’s society. Do you find yourself struggling to make decisions later in the day? Making rash decisions to avoid mulling over all possible consequences? Procrastinating making any decisions at all? New findings prove that you are not alone!

Recent experiments demonstrate that being forced to make a multitude of choices can lead to diminished willpower. Once decision fatigue rears its ugly head, study participants typically settle for recommendations from salespeople in a variety of situations. Additionally, when individuals are presented with more difficult decisions early on in the purchasing process, fatigue hits them early on, as well, and they claim to enjoy the shopping experience less.

From personal decisions to business decisions, practically every minute of our lives is jam-packed with choices. If you have purchased promotional products before, you are probably well-aware of the endless variety of products, styles, imprint methods, sizes, colors, etc. available. Rather than draining your entire daily quota of preliminary decisions on selecting items for your next campaign, let Pinnacle’s staff of promotional gurus guide your hand. Nobody should have to navigate the sea of decisions involved with promotional marketing alone!

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The street food scene: “If we didn’t have phones, what would we do?”

Many people can’t imagine life without a cell phone, but believe it or not, most of us would probably be okay (though inconvenienced). There are some businesses, however, that have built strong foundations almost exclusively through the mobile web, and without phones, they’d have a hard time surviving. One industry that is full of entrepreneurs who you’ll never see without smartphones in hand? Street food, which has developed a pretty impressive presence here in Atlanta through the power of mobile marketing.

As Jordan Chambers of Rattletrap Street Coffee bluntly puts it in the video below: “If we didn’t have phones, what… would we do?”

Coffee Gets Creative from Allies on Vimeo.

When you leave home without your phone, will it have a direct impact on how much money your business makes that day? For street food vendors like Rattletrap, the answer is yes. For most of us, though, the only thing that spending a few hours without our cell phones will keep us from doing is sending a text message or two.

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The Power of Promotional Kitchen Utensils

Do you have a promotional product in your kitchen? 91% of people do, according to a 2009 study conducted by PPAI Research. Furthermore, 82% of people have 2+ promotional kitchen utensils somewhere in their homes, and of those, more than 50% can tell you what logos appear on their promotional products.

Why do branded items tend to make such a significant impact in the kitchen? The above video suggests that it might have something to do with the fact that it’s a place where families tend to gather on a daily basis. Kitchen products are also practical – and if you give them something they’ll use, people are more likely to keep them and pay attention to their imprints.

Promotional kitchen utensils come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes and are great for any budget or occasion. Got a home show coming up? Consider trading attendees an imprinted ice cream scoop or bag clip in exchange for some contact information. Perhaps you’re looking for a creative holiday gift to hand out to your employees or clients this year – a bottle of wine and a high-quality, engraved corkscrew make a memorable symbol of your appreciation.

Social Media Manager

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