My husband and I just got back from a 4-day trip to Las Vegas. While I was there, I couldn’t help but wish I’d taken certain promotional products on my trip with me.

My husband and I just got back from a 4-day trip to Las Vegas. While I was there, I couldn’t help but wish I’d taken certain promotional products on my trip with me.
My husband and I had dinner at a local restaurant the other night and one of the first things that we noticed was the “Keep the Glass” promotion that the restaurant was running.
If you ordered a certain beer, in this case it was Terrapin, you got to keep the piece of promotional drinkware that it came in.
This morning at 7 a.m., the lottery opened to run the 43rd annual Peachtree Road Race. The Peachtree, as it’s referred to, is the largest 10K in the world, with 60,000 runners participating on the morning of July 4th.
One of the most fun and unique aspects of this particular race is the coveted promotional t-shirt offered at the finish line. The Atlanta Track Club, host of the race, holds a contest each year to determine the winning t-shirt design. Judges pick five finalists from the designs that were entered and then it’s up to the public to vote on which t-shirt design they like the most. Race participants are the only ones that receive Peachtree t-shirts and wearing them instills a sense of pride and accomplishment. Plus, with 60,000 runners, they’re kind of a hot fashion item around Atlanta too!
Over the weekend, I attended the Atlanta Underground Market, a monthly private event showcasing food from a variety of different vendors – mostly home cooks and small businesses. The particular theme of this month’s event was brunch and it featured delicious food from over 20 different vendors. Some of my favorites were the Arepa with winter Vegetables, roasted Butternut squash, eggplant, collard greens, caramelized onions, black beans and Strawberry Margarita cookie. With all this great food, there was only one problem: my eyes were much bigger than my stomach.
Beer lovers around the world will raise their glasses tomorrow in celebration of the first annual International IPA Day.
International IPA Day – or #IPADay as you’ll see it called in the Twitterverse – is part of a grassroots movement to bring together brewers, bloggers, and beer enthusiasts through social media. Sean of 2beerguys beer blog writes that the India Pale Ale “represents the pinnacle of brewing innovation with its broad spectrum of diverse brands, subcategories, and regional flavor variations – making it the perfect style to galvanize craft beer’s social voice.” Indeed, the India Pale Ale is made and enjoyed around the world by an incredible variety of brewers, which means that there’s a good chance you’ll be able to fill your glass with something local when you toast to International IPA Day on August 4. Here in Atlanta, many of us will celebrate with a draft or bottle from our very own SweetWater Brewing Company.
Get the scoop on SweetWater’s International IPA Day celebration…
Creative Commons License photo credit: woodleywonderworks
Here at Pinnacle, custom candy is a consistently popular product category season after season, and it is no surprise that businesses are trusting branded sweets to effectively target their end users.
This year is shaping up to be the best year for the sweets industry in at least a decade- from January through May, confectionery sales were up 4.3% over the same period last year, according to the National Confectioners Association. took a deeper look into the candy industry in the article, “10 Things Candy Makers Won’t Tell You,” and you may be shocked by some of the author’s revelations.
In 2010, Americans guzzled down 20.8 gallons of beer per capita, which isn’t surprising when you think about how many options are out there for us to try – with 89 varieties, hundreds of brands, and a dozen glassware options, our 222-bottle average per person is completely justified.
To help us keep track of what we’re drinking and how we’re drinking it, Pop Chart Lab has developed “the world’s most comprehensive beer taxonomy,” a 2′ x 3′ limited edition poster featuring all 89 varieties of beer as well as 200+ examples, with arrows from each pointing to which type of glassware should be used for maximum enjoyment.
While you might think you know your favorite variety or brand of beer like the back of your hand, making sure that you drink it out of the recommended glassware can make a big difference. That goes for beers you might have tried but not been impressed with, too – they can taste radically different poured on draft into the right glass. Luckily, we’ve got you covered in the glassware department (but it’s up to you to decide what you put in your promotional beer glasses).
At Pinnacle Promotions, we happen to be lucky enough to be located in the same business complex as the headquarters for Atlanta Fresh Artisan Creamery. With a mission to “bring the highest quality locally sourced and made dairy products to the Atlanta market,” Atlanta Fresh’s yogurt and cheese products truly are the freshest, and best, you have ever tasted. Their milk is received fresh daily from Johnston Family Farm, a family owned and operated dairy in Newborn, GA, and merely days later fresh yogurt and cheese is being shipped to restaurants and retailers all around Georgia.
Memorial Day weekend is widely regarded as the unofficial start of summer, and a lot of people (myself included!) will celebrate by packing up a picnic and heading for a local park, beach, or their own backyard. If you’re among the masses, make sure you take along some promotional picnic products to make your outdoor meal a successfully delicious one.
When you’re going on a picnic, there are a few things you can do ahead of time to make sure you’re well-equipped. Cutting, packaging, and otherwise preparing your food before you leave will make the meal easy to assemble when hunger strikes. You’ll also want to check the weather forecast beforehand so you can be prepared for whatever Mother Nature throws at you, and don’t forget to apply sunscreen and bug spray as soon as you arrive at your destination.
Here’s a checklist of promotional picnic products you might want to pack up before you hit the road:
__ Blanket, towel, or tablecloth for a clean “table” away from home
__ Easy-to-use (and easy-to-clean) dishes, silverware and drinkware
__ Cooler, especially if you’re taking a day trip or planning on having cold drinks or dessert
__ Wine/bottle opener, ice cream scoop, pizza cutter, or whatever kitchen utensils you may need
__ Picnic basket or cooler to keep food and supplies organized
__ Trash bags and extra food storage containers for leftovers
Despite an alarming (and unwelcome) increase in gas prices over the past few weeks, Americans seem surprisingly undeterred in their plans to travel over the 2011 Memorial Day Weekend. Airlines have increased fares more than six times this year to make up for a 30 percent rise in fuel prices, however, the need to spend more seems to have had little effect on the plans of the 34.9 million people who will travel 50 miles plus over this upcoming long weekend. In fact, a recent USA Today/Gallup poll revealed that 71 percent of Americans have prepared for an increase in the amount of money required for personal travel expenses this year, compared to the 39 percent in 2010 who echoed that same sentiment when the average price of gas was only around $2.80 a gallon.
To compensate for higher expenses and make traveling more comfortable, many will rely on certain promotional travel items and cut out other unnecessary vacation costs. But, try as they may, there are certain factors that vacationer’s can simply not control. The stress of long security lines, potential lost baggage, or road-rage inducing traffic for example are sometimes unavoidable. Travel problems, however, can thankfully also be alleviated with specific promotional travel items designed especially for those traveling by either plane or car.