Do you know what today is? Aside from it being five days until your taxes are due, it’s also National Grilled Cheese Day. Step away from the W-2s and into the kitchen because this is one holiday that’s worth celebrating.

Do you know what today is? Aside from it being five days until your taxes are due, it’s also National Grilled Cheese Day. Step away from the W-2s and into the kitchen because this is one holiday that’s worth celebrating.
I use Pinterest both personally and professionally. Personally, it’s a little easier; I mostly pin recipes, home improvement ideas, sometimes workouts. But it’s never anything I personally wrote or created. Instead, I use it a virtual bulletin board. It’s a place where I can save my bookmarks visually for easy and aesthetically appealing access.
Yesterday, Apple announced the release of The New iPad (that’s the official name; it’s not called the iPad3.) on March 16th.
On this day in 1912, the Oreo Cookie was born. It’s hard to imagine that before that, children and adults alike never had the pleasure of dunking an Oreo into a glass of cold milk, or pulling one apart and eating the creme filling first. It’s no wonder that, 100 years later, Oreo cookies are still going strong as one of the most popular types of cookie.
It’s Oscar time! The 84th Annual Academy awards are airing on Sunday at 7 p.m. If you’re like me, you’re mostly interested in the Best Picture category. Here are this year’s nominees:
• The Artist
• The Descendants
• Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
• The Help
• Hugo
• Midnight in Paris
• Moneyball
• The Tree of Life
• War Horse
Today is a special holiday. A special holiday if you are a dog, that is. You didn’t know? Today, February 23rd, is International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day. If you’re a dog, chances are, this holiday is the highlight of your year. (Also, if you’re a dog and you’re reading this blog post, chances are you’re pretty much destined for greatness.)
If you’re like me, you like to treat yourself to a coffee shop drink every now and again (I’m partial to the soy latte myself). I’d go every morning if it weren’t for two things – 1. I don’t drive pass a coffee shop on my way to work and 2. It can get expensive. But if you thought a $4 coffee drink was expensive, that’s nothing compared to the most expensive drink you can get at Starbucks.
Every year on February 2, a small, furry rodent takes on the task typically fulfilled by local weathermen and women. According to folklore surrounding Groundhog Day, if a groundhog emerges from its burrow and is met with sunshine, it will see its shadow and retreat back into its burrow, indicating that wintry weather will continue for another six weeks. If the groundhog finds cloudy skies and no shadow in sight, it will leave the burrow, which means the winter weather and winds will soon end.
As the eyes of America gravitate towards legendary Punxsutawney Phil in Pennsylvania, in addition to local groundhogs closer to home, think about the media attention that your brand could obtain by capitalizing on Groundhog Day marketing opportunities!
With so much pressure riding on the shoulders of the groundhog on its big day, I would like to suggest a few promotional items that could help make the four-legged creature (or even his adoring fans!) a little more comfortable.
photo credit: echoln
Last Wednesday, the world lost a visionary. Steve Jobs, co-founder and chairman of Apple Inc., passed away at the age of 56. Mr. Jobs leaves behind a legacy of innovation and technological advancement that will undoubtedly continue to drive creativity in the technology industry for years to come. Under his watchful eye, Apple released a number of hugely successful products like the iPod, iPhone, and iPad, each of which embody the minimalistic designs, simple to use interfaces, and reliability that are characteristic of the Apple brand.
Along with redefining the way personal tech gadgets look and function through his minimalistic design aesthetic, Jobs’ style preferences impacted the way he presented himself on a daily basis.
Welcome to this week’s edition of “Trending Topic Tuesday,” where we share our take on what’s going on in the world and what promotional products would appropriately (or inappropriately) market the subject matter.
Football fans everywhere can rest easy now that a new labor deal has officially brought the 136-day NFL lockout to an end. The deal, signed Monday by both parties, gives owners more money to invest while providing safer working conditions and better health benefits for players. What does all of this mean for viewers? That it’s time to don jerseys, get out the promotional spirit accessories, and start rooting for their favorite team!
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