Hello there, loyal blog readers! It’s an overcast Monday here in Pinnacle’s hometown of Atlanta and the lack of sunshine is making it hard to concentrate on the work day. So today let’s talk about the best promotional items for when you’re trying to survive the Monday Morning Blues.

What’s the first thing most of us do as soon as we wake up or get into the office? Head straight for the coffee or else we spend the day looking like an extra from The Walking Dead. I add a little extra flair to my daily coffe worship with the 10 Ounce Aztec Spooner Promotional Mug. The little spoon is a cute touch and I can absentmindedly swirl it around my coffee as I catch up on weekend emails.

We all know that Monday morning bring with them a whole new set a problems and questions needing to be answered. For some of those questions the Magic Answer Ball is the answer. With over 20 different answers, it’s sure to shed some insight on the pressing questions while you’re waiting for your coffee to kick in.

And to fight off that mid-day slump, I just bite into a Custom Power Bar. A great product for any company trying encourage healthy eating and the like.
With these three items, Mondays just seem to fly by. But then comes the dreaded Wednesday (aka Hump Day) and the never ending Friday. Stick around and I may just do some guide to help you get through those days too and before you know it, it’s the weekend.
Merchandising Assistant