Last weekend, my husband and I went to the Chomp and Stomp Chili Cookoff. If you read our Weekend Guides that we publish on Wednesdays, you might have read about it. In addition to sampling a lot of chili, we walked around looking at the various booths that were set up. Some of the booths were art but others were companies trying to advertise their products. It was at one of these company booths that I received a really cool promotional product and I just had to blog about it.

Mailchimp is an Atlanta-based email newsletter service (we use them here at Pinnacle). They’re a great service and they’re super fun. I mean, what other company would create a custom piece of headwear featuring their mascot? And the best part, they were just giving them away!

(Proudly wearing my new hat!)
While we don’t offer any Freddie the Mailchimp hats on our site, we are always open to doing a custom project for any of our customers. If you have an idea of something custom that you’d like to use to advertise your business, let us know and we’ll work with you to make it happen.
Marketing Coordinator