It’s officially fall and (thankfully!) the weather is starting to get cooler. I’ve noticed a few of the fabulous fall colors starting to show in the trees, and I can definitely feel the beginnings of fall in the air. As corn mazes and fall festivals begin to pop up our Weekend Guide and personal calendars, I can’t help but think about all the fun that comes with the change in the season.
I personally have to admit I’m in love with Autumn. It’s by far my favorite time of the year here. The colors and cool breeze are the best. And without going into too much detail about my craziness, I’m a hugely big sucker for Halloween. I love the costumes, the decorations and of course the cute little goblins and ghouls. I guess it doesn’t hurt that there is always an abundance of candy left over after the 31st as well!
My family has always gone all out for the occasion so I guess it comes with the territory that I would try to incorporate the festivities into my marketing efforts as well. Of course for me, my Halloween planning starts with finding perfect seasonal products to fit within my marketing mix.
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