Lady Gaga VMA

Lady Gaga Meat Dress & Promotional Apparel

Welcome to this week’s edition of “Trending Topic Tuesday” where we share our take on what’s going on in the world and what promotional products would appropriately (or inappropriately) market the subject matter.

Anyone remotely interested in what transpired during Sunday night’s MTV Video Music Awards has likely heard about Lady Gaga’s latest fashion – we’ll call it “experiment.” In the interest of my character integrity, I’m attempting to remain objective in my stance on her headline-making dress made of raw meat. I will say, however, that I’m having trouble looking at the pictures, and it looks to me like she’s just a few weeks early for Halloween. I personally would have recommended a more traditional ensemble of character-identifying promotional apparel – but it is Lady Gaga after all.

I couldn’t bring myself to post the picture on my blog (which is usually without images of raw beef), so feel free to check out the stories and photos on the Video Music Awards site.

Marketing Coordinator

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