This morning at 7 a.m., the lottery opened to run the 43rd annual Peachtree Road Race. The Peachtree, as it’s referred to, is the largest 10K in the world, with 60,000 runners participating on the morning of July 4th.
One of the most fun and unique aspects of this particular race is the coveted promotional t-shirt offered at the finish line. The Atlanta Track Club, host of the race, holds a contest each year to determine the winning t-shirt design. Judges pick five finalists from the designs that were entered and then it’s up to the public to vote on which t-shirt design they like the most. Race participants are the only ones that receive Peachtree t-shirts and wearing them instills a sense of pride and accomplishment. Plus, with 60,000 runners, they’re kind of a hot fashion item around Atlanta too!