In 2010, Americans guzzled down 20.8 gallons of beer per capita, which isn’t surprising when you think about how many options are out there for us to try – with 89 varieties, hundreds of brands, and a dozen glassware options, our 222-bottle average per person is completely justified.

To help us keep track of what we’re drinking and how we’re drinking it, Pop Chart Lab has developed “the world’s most comprehensive beer taxonomy,” a 2′ x 3′ limited edition poster featuring all 89 varieties of beer as well as 200+ examples, with arrows from each pointing to which type of glassware should be used for maximum enjoyment.
While you might think you know your favorite variety or brand of beer like the back of your hand, making sure that you drink it out of the recommended glassware can make a big difference. That goes for beers you might have tried but not been impressed with, too – they can taste radically different poured on draft into the right glass. Luckily, we’ve got you covered in the glassware department (but it’s up to you to decide what you put in your promotional beer glasses).
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