My husband and I just got back from a 4-day trip to Las Vegas. While I was there, I couldn’t help but wish I’d taken certain promotional products on my trip with me.

My husband and I just got back from a 4-day trip to Las Vegas. While I was there, I couldn’t help but wish I’d taken certain promotional products on my trip with me.
Creative Commons License photo credit: Donald Lee Pardue
In a report issued on Monday by the International Diabetes Federation, the group estimated that 552 million people may have diabetes by 2030. Today, about one adult in 13 has some form of diabetes. Head of the World Health Organization’s diabetes unit, Gojka Roglic, states that a significant portion of future diabetes cases are preventable, as most cases of the disease are Type 2, which predominantly hits middle-aged people and is associated with weight gain and a sedentary lifestyle.
Between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, most Americans probably gain about a pound- certainly not cause for alarm. However, most people fail to get rid of that extra pound during the next calendar year, and wind up adding another one to it the following year.
Finding the time to exercise during the busy holiday season is easier said than done, so why not provide your clients and/or employees with compact, travel-friendly workout equipment like promotional pedometers or exercise bands to help them maintain their fitness regimens on the go? For amazing, “stay-healthy” promotional products that double as fantastic holiday gifts, keep reading…
This spring, the weekends in Atlanta have been full of various philanthropic and community fundraising races and walk-a-thons. Every week I come across another advertisement for the next big race, so when my neighborhood began advertising for our own local 5k fundraiser for our area elementary schools, I figured it was time for me to join in on the experience and make a difference.
Many individuals and companies continuously support and participate in these fundraising events, so as I signed up for my 5k, I thought wouldn’t it be interesting to track how many steps frequent participants take in their efforts to support these great causes? As I pondered more about this revelation, I came to the conclusion of promotional pedometers!
How neat would it be to say that I have taken one hundred thousand-something steps for a great cause? If sponsors or registration sites were to include promotional pedometers in their registration costs, everyone could track their “steps toward success.” Additionally, these promotional pedometers could potentially inspire participants to become proactive about their health.
However people choose to make use of their promotional pedometers, these tiny little objects have the potential to motivate and inspire individuals to take strides towards better living.
The Holiday season is upon us, Thanksgiving is less than 2 weeks away and many of us will be indulging in all the yummy goodies. Whether you are already on a diet or just want to maintain your weight, there are plenty of easy activities to keep the number on your scale from rising. Walking is one of the easiest, low impact activities we can do and promotional pedometers can be a great tool to monitor your success. Promotional pedometers can be simple or multi-functional depending on your needs. They are great for any industry, especially healthcare, to promote a healthy and active lifestyle. So go ahead and get that extra serving of stuffing, just remember to snap on your pedometer and go for a brisk stroll thereafter.
Merchandising & Marketing Coordinator