sunday alcohol sales

Sunday Alcohol Sales (and Promotional Wine Bottle Openers) Coming Soon?

The bill to allow Sunday alcohol sales in Georgia passed in the House last night, leading many local residents to wonder if they will soon be able to purchase beer, wine, and liquor every day of the week. While Senate Bill 10 still needs a signature from Governor Nathan Deal, he has made it clear that he will pass it. After receiving Deal’s approval, the next step towards making Sunday alcohol sales legal is a public vote. Registered voters may see the referendum on the ballot as early as November in cities that hold annual elections. Other counties will  wait to vote until the following year. Either way, Georgia residents may soon have use for promotional wine bottle openers on Sundays. And, organizations in any industry can set themselves apart from the competition by distributing functional – and timely – promotional wine bottle openers imprinted with their name and logo.

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