After record setting high temperatures, Atlanta weather is once again acting fickle and we’re experiencing some of our coldest days so far which would have been fine if we hadn’t had lovely weather just a few short days ago. It’s one of those days where you just want to curl up on your sofa with a blanket, some hot chocolate, and cuddle up with your dog/cat/significant other and watch bad television.
Unfortunately, as laissez-faire as our company culture is here at Pinnacle, I don’t think they’d appreciate me building myself a blanket fort underneath my desk to watch movies on my iPhone. I can however snuggle up with the Travel Buddy Blanket at my desk (and maybe one of these awesome sweaters Megan blogged about) and keep nice and warm while I finish off this dreary Monday.

The Travel Buddy Blanket is a plush polyester blanket that is large enough to keep you warm but easy to fold back up and store in it’s pouch and carry around. My favorite part, however, has got to be the fact that is has two compartments at the bottom to keep your feet covered and warm: no more cold feet because your blanket keeps sliding around! And for the couch potato in all of us, there is a lap pocket that can hold remotes, reading material, or small electronics! It’s available in 5 different colors and makes a great holiday gift. To see the Travel Buddy Blanket in action, you definitely should check out the product video we did on this item: you’ll see why this was one of the cast and crews’ favorite items to date! We even made up a new word during filming, that’s how much we liked this blanket.
So if you’re cursing the weather, trying to shake off the Monday morning blues, or mourning the almost comical defeat of your Alma Mater (full disclosure: I’m a UGA grad), the Travel Buddy Blanket is going to be there for you.
Merchandising Assistant