Chances are that you have a Farmers Market near you. According to a 2011 article in the Journal of Humanitarian Affairs, the number of farmers markets in the US has increased 16 percent since 2010 and a whopping 214 percent since 2000!

I believe it! In the past year, two new farmers markets have cropped up by my house, one on Thursday evenings and one on Sunday mornings. In metro Atlanta alone, there are at least 39 different Farmers Market, according to the website LocalHarvest. Take a look at some of the more popular ones:
• Green Market at Piedmont Park (Saturdays from 9am-1pm, May-December)
• East Atlanta Village Farmers Market (Thursdays, 4pm-8pm, April-December)
• Morningside Farmers Market (Saturdays, 8:30am-11:30am, April-December)
• Peachtree Road Farmers Market (Saturdays, 8:30am-12pm, April-September; 9:00am-12pm, October-December)
• Decatur Farmers Market (Wednesdays, 4pm-7pm, March-October; Wednesdays, 3pm-6pm, November-February; Saturdays 9am-12pm, March-October)
Farmers Markets have become so popular for a variety of reasons, one of which being the rise of the locavore movement. Supporters of this movement strive to purchase food that is grown locally, usually 100 miles away or less. They say that the food tastes fresher, they are able to support local businesses and there is also considerable positive environmental implication since less gas is being used to transport the food.
Whether you consider yourself a locavore or not, there are many different reasons to support a farmers market. Aside from fresh fruits and vegetables, many offer all kinds of different products. I went to one last week that had popsicles, chia seed juice, homemade soaps and homemade wine jellies just to name a few.

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